It's 1:45am Monday May 18th, just got home from practice at U.H and 24's, well I did'nt get much done today my knee is kinda jacked from dancing at the Shane sparks audition last night but oh well that's not gonna stop me, I spent about 2 of time at UH teaching my boy Little Demon toprocks and footworks after I went to 24's to practice with the other guys, some days I go to 2 diffrent practice spots practice about 2-3 hours each spot. Tonight I'm posting more pics that I found from the Battle Mania Philippines event check it!
When I'm done with this kid he's gonna be a killing machine like the rest of the guys in LOZ
Lil-D gets second place and looks happy.

OK to the battles:
I judged this event with no shirt! ///

getting ready for some action!

Here we go let's get it on

The Mayor presenting me with a award and a key to the city for all we've done.
PI is awsome unlike America the government supports the art of dance in may forms,
they took really good care of us..

there I go again with no shirt! that's how we do it in the Philippines!


I call this the Lotus plant catch! 2k all day baby!

My legs bend like a broken stick!

Heeeya split action

Lotus bone freeze!

Double chop comin up!