Ok dudes I'm posting some forgotten clips that I found on my I-phone. Today is Cycorder day, Cycorder is a program for the I-Phone you can use it to record continuous video, after you record you can download diskAid to transfer to you computer and load to blog..or whatever.
*note some vids are sideways so turn your computer haha..
Me and Tomo were waiting for some friends to come out of Don-Quotes in Honolulu
they were taking forever.. check out the super purple drink that we mixed up.
Philippines 2009..I pulled out the phone camera and started to make trouble with everyone hahaha... in this clip we chillin outside of a club some where close to Manila in front of Starbucks..There's, Nayton,Yust, Rob,Profo, Richard, Kel,Nesh, Me and a few others I think they were drunk haha.. I told Kel that she was drunk and she said I was drunk off Starbucks haha.lol this was a fun night.
Chillin outside the mall of Asia in the Philippines waiting for our driver to pick us up.
Nay,Yust, Me and Cliffy our new found manager for the tour. we were joking around a making fun of Cliff's pants. lol haha