I've spent 3hours loading up these videos hopefully I can help prevent a few injuries.. I'm posting this thread up for a friend in the Philippines he asked if I could run over some of the stretches that I'd done in my workshop so that he can show the kids. These stretches are my stretches that i've developed through the 10+years dancing, if you do these before and after practice I guarantee you will feel like a million bucks the next day, these poses are developed to help out with your extreme dancing, freezes and healthy function of the human body.
*notes please read before stretching
-If you want to get more flexible hold each pose for 2-3 mins..before in between and after practice! yes I use to spend hours just stretching around the house.
-If your just warming up you can hold for at least 15 sec. each pose and repeat if possible.
-Remember it's very important that you try and keep your BACK STRAIT during these poses as you can see in the videos, good posture is very important.
-All the poses in these videos are made so that you are stretching 2 or more parts of your body at the same time! this way you can double the flexibility.
-Remember your super powers will develop from inside out not outside in, you must work the muscles from inside out stretching is the key!
The videos are fast I run through 2-3 diffrent styles of the pose in each clip just push pause and try it, remember to stretch both sides! meaning if you do one side you must repeat with the opposite stretch. I'm not gonna name every stretch here because it might get a little too technical videos are labeled by number.. Leave a comment if you have any questions enjoy have fun!
Finally.. most important look out for distractions and girls wanting to take pictures lol..
*Let me know when your ready for the extreme poses and I'll make another thread peace!