Akiba hourse racing.. hey not place for a real one so lets bet on fake ones.
10 floors of video games!
yup these guys dont mess around
battle battle
Another maid costume..
Yup this is the place..its like 2 miles long of lights on both sides of the street. theres the train I got off.
Pick me up I'll clean your house! yey
another rabbit girl
she's like hey take a flyer I'm cute.. come get me.. lol
nice chaser rollin through the electric town..you dont see these in america
Hmm pick a outfit and they 'll put u in one and take a picture, good place to bring your girlfriend turn her into a doll hhaha!
this store has every type of light bulb ever made.
Girls and games.. hey they go together pretty well.. I like.
This is where I spend most of my days on Japan.. you can find me here buggin out trying to win little anime figures in these grab machines haha..
softmap... I dont know why I took this pic..
I have no Idea how to play this game but it looks cool!
Another girl in a pink rabbit dress lol..
Yup the arcades here are no joke, this was the 3rd floor out of like 6, every floor of the building is full of games!
CafeAtHome where the bunny girls come and serve you..