Saturday, May 15, 2010
Day 16.. 1 more day till end of tour
Day 15.. 3:33 pm, yesterdays event turned out pretty good, the hip hop event was crazy things going on during the battle lots of crashes along with the stabs and kicks that usually go one here haha. After the event we went out to this club in Makati didn't get home till 5. Look like the boys are sleeping in Im awake and hungry time to go eat peace!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Baguio city!! Day 13
Day-13 Got up at 7:30am our van was coming to pick up at 9 we ended up leaving around 10. So the plan for today was Baguio, they just told me that it was some where in the mountains. At first I was a bit skeptical about our trip a 5hour drive omg that's far! I had no idea where were going. Off we go driving through crazy Manila traffic down the expressway pass the countryside over the rocky roads crossing rivers, hours later we arrive at the bottom of the mountains. It took us another 2 hours of driving through the mountains and valleys passing trucks on one way lane roads with no guard rails. Finally we reached Baguio arrived at the giant lion head making a pit stop then towards the center of the city. This place Is amazing I was totally amazed by the architecture and character this city has pictures do not do justice you gotta come here and see for yourself, I'll definitely be back next year ..

Things/gifts I bought in Baguio.
-1kilo of those yellow fruits
-1kilo purple fruits
-4 bottles strawberry jam
-small basket strawberries from farm
-Bamboo flute
-2 mini knives
-Wood Adidas shoe ashtray
-3 lion necklaces
wish I could of stayed longer but we have an event to judge in Manila see you there at the hip hop awards..
Things/gifts I bought in Baguio.
-1kilo of those yellow fruits
-1kilo purple fruits
-4 bottles strawberry jam
-small basket strawberries from farm
-Bamboo flute
-2 mini knives
-Wood Adidas shoe ashtray
-3 lion necklaces
wish I could of stayed longer but we have an event to judge in Manila see you there at the hip hop awards..
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Yawwn.. Day 12 back to Manila again..
Yawwn.. Day 12- 2am Back in Manila again.. .our cebu pacific Plane was 2hours late but the flight attendents on there were well worth the wait they were super hott!! just like the weather outside hehe. Anyways we get to Manila our Van arrives and the guy says open the windows we have no AC.. Me Justin looked at each other and was like No Ac wth!! Omg it was the worst ride back stuck in traffic around 1,000,0000 diesel cars blowing black smoke at you, I almost had a heart attack my lungs hurt Toyz said he got lung cancer, what a adventure I gotta give it to the guys out here they must have like some kind of built in air filter catalitic converter inside their lungs lol.. We arrived back at the house and Auntie had the best dinner prepared with lots of goods, veggies, sashimi, beef, etc. some good old home cooking.
Tomorrow we leave 9am heading to Baguio a city in the mountains with colder air another sight seeing spot supposed to be pretty nice from what alot of people say. I'm kinda excited but at the same time I wanna chill in Manila meet up with friends and go shopping at the black market mall I hope we have time before I head back to my LOST island.. See ya later peace!
A few last pics from Ilocos..

Toyz climbing coconut tree!

Hitch hiked my way home..
I had to climb it..
these stairs got nothing on kokohead.
Tomorrow we leave 9am heading to Baguio a city in the mountains with colder air another sight seeing spot supposed to be pretty nice from what alot of people say. I'm kinda excited but at the same time I wanna chill in Manila meet up with friends and go shopping at the black market mall I hope we have time before I head back to my LOST island.. See ya later peace!
A few last pics from Ilocos..
Monday, May 10, 2010
Day 11 more sight seeing..
Day 11 More sight seeing... today we traveled to the other side to go see the windmills and some really nice beaches with clear blue water..
<---- My blogger is acting up!! GOING CRAZY! Pics will not load anymore, deleted my day 9 post, I'm not shure what's wrong could be the slow internet connection I dunno but new pics will be posted to facebook.. check out the Unity Tour 2010 album.. peace
Sunday, May 9, 2010
DAY 10 Sight seeing up north..
day 10.
Let's relax and do some sight seeing first stop the mall had some chicken and I'm ready to go.
We all jumped in the van and "J" took us to this old church it's about 500 years old but still in use, looks good inside amazing people still go there.
2nd stop the Beach resort.
It was really hot outside there was a Coconut tree with cocouts on top, I told Toyz to climb it haha took him 3tries finally too his shoes off and made it to the top Yey we got one!! Hahha. Our new crew name is L.O.C Lionz of Coconut, now that we got one we had to open it that was another mission, ok so I smashed it on the corner of the steps and Kev ripped it apart! finally juice ohh yea the meat was perfect lots of water for all 3 of us hahah. We headed back to the hotel stopped and ate a little meat pie with egg it was pretty good but greasy haha Peace out.
ps. pics are not loading now I dont know why.. check back here or facebook has pics.
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