Day-13 Got up at 7:30am our van was coming to pick up at 9 we ended up leaving around 10. So the plan for today was Baguio, they just told me that it was some where in the mountains. At first I was a bit skeptical about our trip a 5hour drive omg that's far! I had no idea where were going. Off we go driving through crazy Manila traffic down the expressway pass the countryside over the rocky roads crossing rivers, hours later we arrive at the bottom of the mountains. It took us another 2 hours of driving through the mountains and valleys passing trucks on one way lane roads with no guard rails. Finally we reached Baguio arrived at the giant lion head making a pit stop then towards the center of the city. This place Is amazing I was totally amazed by the architecture and character this city has pictures do not do justice you gotta come here and see for yourself, I'll definitely be back next year ..

Things/gifts I bought in Baguio.
-1kilo of those yellow fruits
-1kilo purple fruits
-4 bottles strawberry jam
-small basket strawberries from farm
-Bamboo flute
-2 mini knives
-Wood Adidas shoe ashtray
-3 lion necklaces
wish I could of stayed longer but we have an event to judge in Manila see you there at the hip hop awards..
Aren't u quite the spender?! I must well spent!
Baguio looks cool but you need to see the 'real' mountains..underdeveloped n abundant fruits!!! (hidden fr. tourists haha)
miss ya! see u soon :)
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